Saturday, November 3, 2018

A Facebook Departure

It's been an interesting week, but one thing that has struck me is the negative aspects of social media in personal relations.  So many of the people on Facebook are more along the lines of acquaintances rather than close friends.  Facebook, in particular, seems to have a way of bringing out the claws--even between relatively close friends.  (Reminds me of Lorde's song "The Love Club," which includes the line, "And the girls get their claws out...")  Reflecting on my own interactions, I'm definitely not blameless.  Of course, neither is the other person in this particular social media soap opera.

Facebook is a strange animal in that it can facilitate the dismantling of good relationships while fostering superficial ones in their place. It also offers a strange dynamic regarding personal boundaries.  For instance, I may steer clear of constantly checking Facebook in the evening while other people do precisely that.  I may assume people avoid sleeping with their phone when, in fact, it's never out of reach--emitting its treasured tones all night.  This connectedness--or, really a lack thereof--creates a strange dynamic between friends, for instance, who use Facebook in different ways.  It also encourages a certain disregarding of the pleasantries that seems to have a way of directly going to a topic; this may come across as pushy or intense.

Anyway, it's not the first time I've voiced concerns about Facebook, but I think this time I've decided what to do about it.  I think my plan will also facilitate my planned professional move towards public affairs for the state.  After all, I've noticed that those within public affairs have less of a personal profile readily available to the public; I think I'm starting to see why.  So, my plan is to leave Facebook behind for a while.  I may be back next year--in time to discuss daughter's wedding, for instance.  We will see.

In my absence, Kimberly Erickson will be the lead on our Facebook page for the books and art.  Our Christmas sale, started initially as a way of helping to offset the costs of oral surgery, will likely stay up at least through January.  In fact, I'm thinking the photographs will stay available into 2019.  If you want to check out my newest release, you'll find Darkness and Fractured Shadows online.  While reviews are important, I think it's also critical that I write what I enjoy writing.  The genres I seem to enjoy writing the most these days are mystery, fantasy, and science fiction.  New releases will be shared on the website and/or Facebook page.  Also, don't forget me over on Twitter.

Of course, you can always reach me via e-mail too!  


I found a good way of cutting my Facebook time was removing it from my iPhone.  This allows me to stay in contact with people, yet it feels a bit less personal than having it on my phone.