Sunday, April 10, 2011

A Few More Words on Sanger--and Life

Originally, I had planned to devote several blog posts to the abortion question, but I think I've covered most of what I set out to address.  In closing, I would urge readers on the fence about Planned Parenthood's mission today to read-up on her founder.  Besides reading excerpts of her works, her quotes quickly convey many of her personal "qualities."  There's this favorite, for example, which was taken from Women and the New Race.  "The most merciful thing that a large family does to one of its infant members is to kill it." 
Repeatedly, she refers to her desire for "thoroughbreds" when it comes to the generations to follow.  In other words, she is espousing eugenics.  This is the same belief which led to the rise to power of a certain German by the name of Hitler.  A good article on the September 1957 Mike Wallace interview of Sanger may be found at LifeSite News.  Also, I found the interview itself available courtesy the Harry Ransom Center, the University of Texas at Austin.  It's fascinating to watch this interview, to have the opportunity to not only analyze her words but also her mannerisms.
I'd like to move towards conclusion with a small quote a bit from the Fact Sheet for the Unborn Infant Pain Relief Act.  The information contained within the quote comes from the research of Dr. Paul Ranalli, neurologist, University of Toronto.
FACT:  Unborn children at 20 weeks 
gestation probably feel pain more      
intensely than adults. This is a 
“uniquely vulnerable time, since the 
pain system is fully established, yet the 
higher level pain-modifying system has 
barely begun to develop.”

I would also encourage readers to take a look at what the Catechism of the Catholic Church has to say on the issue of abortion.  The eloquent words carry a clarity of thought and authority worthy of much deep thought and contemplation.  In short, I urge readers not to sit back and avoid taking a stand for the unborn. Some may say that the current state of affairs is as good as we're going to get. While that may sadly be true, this doesn't excuse the faithful from trying to do what they can for the most vulnerable persons among us.

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