Monday, August 3, 2020

Sing a New Church Karaoke Night! (Humorous Aside)

In honor of The Babylon Bee's  regular body slamming of traditional news outlets through the art of satire, I give you my little contribution to this important literary...genre.  Hope you enjoy!  (For my real take on this hymn, go to page 53 or here too.)

The 5th annual “Sing a New Church” Karaoke Festival is scheduled to start directly after the 11am Mass on Sunday, August 23rd in Minot’s Saint Cecilia Catholic Church. The excitement is quickly building for this fun-filled event for the entire family. As done in past years, winners will have an opportunity to win valuable prizes from two of the following five categories: Social Justice, Multiculturalism, Gender Discovery, Diving for Diversity, and (the wildcard) Ecumenical Experiences!

Parish staff encourage attendees to recall that the event follows Mass. This means, for instance, that the Boykin and Smith families would want to actually stay in the nave AFTER the recessional hymn begins (and finishes too). Please contact staff with questions.

The first-place winner will progress to the second round with an opportunity to capture the National Karaoke Pennant! Round 2’s music has just been announced as the angelic and inspiring “Earth and All Stars.”  Of course, we're all stars when we sing together!!

Don’t be left out in the cold, join us in Minot on Sunday! This is a great time to bring friends along, so that they can learn more about important things-- such social justice and ecumenical diversity.

Let’s hit last year’s winners where it hurts the most and take the much-prized Karaoke Pennant of the Greater Minot Diocese (conveniently shortened to the KPGMD).

PS.  In this strange time of long lines for sanitizer and social distancing from the Boykin family, let's remember to get things right on Sunday.  Washing your hands at least once on August 23rd would be a super fabulous start!

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